There lived on Mt. Shigi a holy monk called Myoren. When Emperor Daigo fell seriously ill, the monk was given a royal command and prayed to Bishamonten for the recovery of the Emperor. His fervent prayer was successfully answered and Myoren achieved a quickly cure. Pleased with this miracle, the Emperor gave the prayer place an imperial title, “Chogosonshi-ji”, which represents peaceful reign, protection of the country and long luck of posterity. The temple is also known as “Shigisan” and familiar to many people.

■Hondo (Main Hall)

The Main hall, where Daihannya-Sutra is chanted every day, is said to have been reconstructed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1592 or by his son, Hideyori, in 1601; however, it is not known exactly when. Restored later, the hall was completed in 1746, but unfortunately it was burned down in 1951 in an electric fire. The existing Main Hall was rebuilt in 1958. It is constructed using an architectural technique called Butai-zukuri and allows visitors to enjoy a splendid panoramic view of the Yamato Plain.
■Shigisan and Tiger

There lived on Mt. Shigi a holy monk called Myoren. When Emperor Daigo fell seriously ill, the monk was given a royal command and prayed to Bishamonten for the recovery of the Emperor. His fervent prayer was successfully answered and Myoren achieved a quickly cure. Pleased with this miracle, the Emperor gave the prayer place an imperial title, “Chogosonshi-ji”, which represents peaceful reign, protection of the country and long luck of posterity. The temple is also known as “Shigisan” and familiar to many people.